Sunday, February 10, 2008


So yesterday nick wooden, robbie bobbie and I went to dayton to try to film some things with greg. We ended up at the nutter center first waiting on greg then we headed to dayton where we all met up and tried to ride. We ended up riding the river banks and rode a log and sat around. After casey, tony and greg left we ended up riding the bank to fence and filmed a few things. Nick did a couple freecoasting(broken chain) lines, robbie bobbie did a 360 fakie line and I did a couple things on the frence including an ice to fakie that took forever to pull the fast opp halfcab off the curb. We headed to courthouse and I did a couple peg grinds to 180 on the ledge and a shady looking dude let me film him saying quint. After a stop at meijer to buy/steal a chain tool we ended the night by heading back to wright state and rode the ledge and benches at the library. Robbie filmed a line and I snapped a chain.. That put an end to our trip. clips were filmed and fun was had. Robbie bobbie web edit should be sometime this week..